Event box

If your research is funded then it is important to know if your funder has a policy on data sharing, and if they do, what you are expected to do, how to do this and when. 

This is a brand-new course, designed for all researchers.

It will:

  • Explain what is meant by research data
  • Outline your funder requirements regarding data sharing
  • Outline if your funder mandates that your data must be shared in a named repository
  • Outline if there are timeframes for the sharing of your data

It is essential to attend this course if you want to ensure you are compliant with your funder policy regarding to data sharing.


Related LibGuide: Research Data Management by Michael O'Connor

Wednesday, December 4, 2024
15:00 - 16:00
  Academic and research staff     AFBI staff     HSC staff  
  All Faculties & Schools     Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences     Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences     Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences     Open Research     Queen's Business School     School of Arts, English and Languages     School of Biological Sciences     School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering     School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science     School of History & Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics     School of Law     School of Mathematics & Physics     School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering     School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences     School of Natural and Built Environment     School of Nursing & Midwifery     School of Pharmacy     School of Psychology     School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work