Finding and sharing research data (PGR & Post-Doc)
Event box

- This is an Open Research training course. The course is an ONLINE event.
- Do you struggle to find research datasets? Do you know how to locate data for your research area?
- Are you planning to get published? And do you need to know how to share your data?
- Sharing your data will increase citation, impact and may be a funder or publisher requirement.
- This is for all those PGR and Post-Doc researchers who would like to develop their understanding of (i) how to be able to find research data & (ii) to be able to share their research data which they have generated.
- If you are a Postgraduate Research Student, please login to MyFuture to register for this event.
- There are a number of places for post-docs. If any post-doctoral staff wish to attend, please register using MS Forms.
Related LibGuide: Research Data Management by Michael O'Connor
- Date:
- Thursday, November 30, 2023
- Time:
- 14:00 - 15:30
- Audience:
- Academic and research staff AFBI staff HSC staff Research postgraduate students
- Categories:
- All Faculties & Schools Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences Open Research Queen's Business School School of Arts, English and Languages School of Biological Sciences School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science School of History & Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics School of Law School of Mathematics & Physics School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences School of Natural and Built Environment School of Nursing & Midwifery School of Pharmacy School of Psychology School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work